Our Story
“The Art of Innovation natural pet products from Agricultural products of Thailand”
The company produces the No. 1 natural and organic products for pets in Thailand. The production is controlled by veterinarians and experienced professionals. We pay attention to production standards. There is a variety of products, including food, snacks, shampoo and conditioner, ear cleaning solution for cats, cat sand etc. The raw materials used in all components are high-quality agricultural products specially selected with the world-class reputation of Thailand. The sources can be clearly examined to ensure the safety and quality of raw materials. Manufacture with the artistic design production process, and the fineness in production. The machine and the equipment were designed by the engineer who controls the warplane system. Making the system has high accuracy to produce innovative products that are unique and difficult to imitate.
Pet smile, Thailand’s No.1 natural and organic pet products brand, has emphasized its core value on not only to provide a variety of pet-friendly products that support your pets active lifestyle but also to support Thai local farmers community to have a sustainable income and economic autonomy by having our ingredients 100% locally sourced.
Our brand was founded by Chopetch Chaiyawattanamongkol, pet products experts, who had a vision to bring pet products ranging from food, snack, shampoo, conditioner to other hygienic solutions to all pet lovers not only in Thailand but all over the world. Chopetch, veterinarians, and an experienced pet experts’ team had prioritized the brand’s main differentiating elements to be nutritiously innovative and safe. Therefore, the production standards are closely paid attention by these experts. The team delicately selected organic ingredients from high quality well-known local sources, closely paid attention to manufacturing standards by having military aircraft system engineers designed and controlled the machines to ensure precision and quality of production, and innovatively developed the finest pet products guaranteed by multiple researches and awards.
- We are ultimately committed to super premium quality products. Therefore, we’d like to offer 100% real natural meat treats (No artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives added ) ranging from chicken breast jerky that provides extra energy, soft chicken breast jerky that are naturally tasty ,chicken and organic pumpkin jerky that supports digestive systems, chicken and vegetable toppings that help boost up your dog’s appetite, soft chicken wrap liver to soft chicken and coconut jerky that are all low fat and dog with liver related diseases friendly to our customers.
Apart from food and treats related products, we also offer other hygienic products designed specifically for different needs and wants of your beloved pets. The products for dogs include rice shampoo with conditioner that could help improve blood flow and nourishes the skin, coconut oil shampoo with conditioner that helps give the fur a sleek and shiny look, Chihuahua shampoo that designed specifically for Chihuahua hair and skin needs, Hypoallergenic shampoo with conditioner that includes premium active ingredients from Thai herbs, and Natural healing ear wash for dogs that is chemical and alcohol free. The products for cats include shampoo with conditioner for long hair cats, shampoo with conditioner for short hair cats, Hypoallergenic shampoo with conditioner for sensitive skin, and Natural healing ear wash for cats.
- These products are not only developed to support the healthiest diet for your beloved buddies but also to empower Thai farmers and the local communities to have dignified jobs, sustainable income, and economic autonomy through supplying their agricultural products to us as our main ingredients. We can assure you that the money used buying products from Pet smile, would definitely go back to the hands of local Thai farmers and their families. To also help other animals and pets that are less fortunate, part of our revenue is donated to pets and animals associated with non-profits foundations and animals’ hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
From supporting the souls of local Thai farmers to innovating their natural resources up to a global standard. The journey of our brand, Pet smile, has not only given the opportunity to Thai farmers to have sustainable and dignified jobs but also offer all pet lovers around the world the premium alternatives of taking care of their pets to have a longer, healthier and a more active lifestyle. If you are looking for a premium-standard natural innovation that is full of quality nutrition to fulfill your pets’ healthy diet, we are here to satisfy you! We have everything your pets need for good health, weight control, and healthy skin and coat.
Sustainable Development goals
PETSMILE work for a better tomorrow It’s mission and objectives are aligned with world is most pressing challenges represented by the sustainable development goals 2030 defined by United Nations
In terms of SDG’s achievement PETSMILE responds to the following goals:
1. No poverty: one of PETSMILE is main objectives is to offer work to poor people of the zone , improving life standards in Nonthaburi Kanchanaburi Chaingmai, Ayutthaya, Lampung provinces in following years
3. Good health and well being: Using the organic agricultural products reduce chemicals, air pollution that are currently affecting people is health around the world
5. Gender equality : the company has a strong compromise with gender equality boosting women job opportunities and leadership PETSMILE ‘s CEO and the half of the entrepreneurial term are women and organizations will look for maintain this gender parity within the employees
8. Decent work and economic growth: as it has been already stated PETSMILE will be job providers within the town and will protect employees looking for high level working conditions and wages
9. Industry innovation and infrastructure: PETSMILE is developing and inclusive and sustainable industry which comes from an innovative idea in terms of design and technology
10. Reduce inequalities: the company aim to reduces inequalities produce by the lack of job opportunities and accessibility to service in segregated places
11. Sustainable cities and communities by generating decent job and prosperity and by helping reduce environmental impact of the local farming activities PETSMILE is helping to become more sustainable the localcommunitywhereitisbasedChaingmaiNonthaburiKanchanaburi AyutthayaLampungprovince Thailand
13. climate action: these products are eco-friendly and help to solve many current problems that normal pet products are causing
15. Life on land : diminishing environmental impact are the pollution generated by 100%biodegradable packaging and chemicals PETSMILE is also protecting the biodiversity of Thailand and the whole planet